Tracey Miller Blog
All the latest "Goings On" in the World of Celebrities and their Marital Woes. See Tracey's Unique View and how these very situations can relate to all of us!
Feb 27, 2019, 12:09 PM
Every divorcing couple worries about the effect the separation will have on their children. Before now, there has been no substantial research linking divorce and mental health problems in children. One of the difficulties has been picking out divorce as a major factor in children’s mental health from all the other factors that can cause emotional and behavioural problems in children.
Feb 13, 2019, 1:01 PM
Family disputes and problems can be really upsetting, particularly when children are involved. When two people can’t agree on the best way forward, it can cause animosity and bad feeling, and a resolution may never be reached. No one can draw a line under the situation or move on with their lives.
Jan 31, 2019, 2:45 PM
You may have read in the press that the government is currently considering a reform to divorce law in the UK and will potentially be introducing ‘no-fault’ divorces. But when can we expect divorce law to change, and will it affect couples who are currently going through a divorce? Furthermore, how will no-fault divorces work? Liverpool divorce law expert Tracey Miller takes a look through what we…
Jan 16, 2019, 12:56 PM
The first week of each new year has always been known as one of the busiest times for new divorce applications. But is Christmas a divorce trigger, or simply the last straw for relationships already at breaking point? Wirral divorce lawyer Tracey Miller Family Law takes a closer look.
Dec 21, 2018, 6:45 AM
Divorce is never easy, but it doesn’t have to descend into all-out war. In fact, it is possible to have an amicable, responsible and grown-up divorce, where both parties do what needs to be done without falling out. The problem is that during such an emotionally charged time, with sensitive issues like children and finances at stake, it’s so very easy to say the wrong thing or call your ex in a…