Tracey Miller Blog

All the latest "Goings On" in the World of Celebrities and their Marital Woes. See Tracey's Unique View and how these very situations can relate to all of us!

Jun 18, 2018, 7:34 AM
A fascinating new study has suggested that men are more likely to divorce a wife that has committed infidelity than the other way around. But why is this the case? Are women more forgiving of adultery and bad behaviour than men, or is there something else going on? Liverpool divorce solicitor Tracey Miller Family Law takes a closer look at the research.
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May 21, 2018, 2:20 PM
It has recently been revealed that 11 divorce centres in England and Wales have been affected by administration errors, which could mean that some divorces may have been mishandled. According to the Law Society Gazette, some people believing they were divorced may have committed bigamy after remarrying, as their divorces were not legally valid.
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May 8, 2018, 6:54 AM
A new piece of research has found that the UK’s divorce laws are forcing separating couples into unnecessary battles in court. The Nuffield Foundation suggested that the current system, which requires one party to petition the other for divorce and give a reason, is behind a number of contested divorces and damaging legal disputes.
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Apr 25, 2018, 10:39 AM
For many couples facing a long-winded or complicated divorce, the moment the divorce is settled and the decree absolute comes through is a huge relief. It signifies the end of the battle and the moment that both can move on with their lives.
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Apr 20, 2018, 9:28 AM
A new study has suggested that if a close friend or family member gets divorced, it could increase the chances of your own marriage faltering. This phenomenon is known as ‘domino divorce’. To many people, this sounds wildly implausible – but is there a grain of truth in this suggestion? Wirral divorce lawyer Tracey Miller takes a closer look at the research.
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