Tracey Miller Blog
All the latest "Goings On" in the World of Celebrities and their Marital Woes. See Tracey's Unique View and how these very situations can relate to all of us!
Apr 11, 2014, 9:47 AM
Top judges in the UK have derided government plans to increase the cost of going to court in England and Wales. They say the costs increase would undermine the civil and family justice system. In an official response to the...
Apr 1, 2014, 9:40 AM
A consortium of children's charities, which includes the NSPCC, have successfully campaigned for there to be an amendment to the Children and Families Bill. The charities feared the Bill could endanger the welfare of children whose parents were separating. Exactly how will...
Mar 18, 2014, 9:22 AM
It's an ironic situation that has been described as an "unfortunate anomaly”. A gay couple from Barnsley have been told they cannot get married until they officially dissolve their civil partnership. The dissolution of a civil partnership can only be achieved on...
Feb 25, 2014, 4:57 PM
The marriage of top investment banker Lena Tan and her husband Weng Choy is being played out in front of the world's media following a dispute on where they can get their divorce granted. House husband Mr Choy has filed for divorce in the UK courts but his wife wants...
Feb 25, 2014, 9:12 AM
"If all divorce cases would have to be re-opened every time a husband or wife lied about their circumstances, the court system would grind increasingly slow”, Lady Justice Macur. Lady Justice Macur's comments were made in light of a well-publicised...