Divorce in the UK is undergoing a transformation, with the aim of modernising and digitalising the current system. Ultimately, the changes are designed to make it easier, cheaper and less stressful for people who wish to divorce, as well as improving efficiency in the courts.

The latest and biggest change is that a new online divorce service has now launched. It is a portal available on the Government’s website, which allows petitioners to apply for divorce online. The main benefits include:

  • Avoiding the need to post paper documents
  • Reducing delays caused by sending documents through the post
  • Making the process easier to understand
  • Signposting the different stages and timelines of the divorce process, so that users of the service know what to expect when
  • Streamline the process of applying for divorce.

The new digital service has been trialled since the end of 2017 and since then, over 1100 people have been able to use it to complete a divorce application, upload documentation and pay relevant legal fees. The pilot scheme has gone well, so the service became available to use nationwide from the start of May 2018.

Does the new digital service mean that I don’t need a divorce lawyer?

The new service is designed to be user-friendly, which means that you may be able to complete it yourself without the need for any specialist help. This is a really positive step, as the old system could sometimes be confusing and errors were regularly made.

However, what the new system doesn’t provide is legal advice. In order to make the right decisions about your future, finances, children and other matters, it is still essential to seek legal advice from a divorce expert. In any case which is even slightly complicated, you need guidance, information and support from an experienced solicitor. You may also want to seek even a brief appointment with a divorce solicitor to double check that your online application is completed correctly, or to ask questions about what documentation you need.

The digital system provides a new, easier way to apply for divorce, but the complicated issues relating to the separation of two shared lives remain the same. This is why it is still highly recommended to speak to a divorce lawyer if you’re planning to apply for or respond to a divorce petition.

Online divorce doesn’t deal with financial issues

It is also important to remember that online divorce does not deal with or guide people on what they entitled to from the finances. This is why consulting with a solicitor may be costlier in the short term, but the benefit of good legal advice could pay for itself many times over.

Crucial points to remember about digital divorce

This is one of the biggest shakeups the UK’s legal system has seen, so it’s understandable that users will have questions and that there will be a certain teething process. Here are the main points to remember:

  • Nothing has changed in relation to the actual law on divorce, only the method of applying for divorce
  • The fees remain the same whether you apply online or through the traditional paper route
  • It’s still important to speak to a divorce solicitor for legal advice before applying.

For help with any aspect of divorce, please get in touch with the experienced team at Wirral divorce solicitors Tracy Miller Family Law.