To give you an idea of what this term covers, let’s take a look at a few common examples:

1.      Domestic abuse. This could be in the form of physical violence or verbal abuse (such as threats or insults). It also includes emotional/psychological abuse, such as belittling the other person in public or using controlling or coercive behaviour to socially isolate one partner. Unfortunately, domestic abuse is one of the most common reasons given for divorces based on unreasonable behaviour.


2.      Alcoholism, excessive drunkenness or drug abuse. Living with someone with a drinking and/or problem can be extremely difficult, and can make a relationship unbearable. 


3.      Excessive spending. Your partner could have run up large debts, be addicted to gambling or have otherwise been financially reckless. Financial pressures can put huge strain on a household, especially when bank accounts and credit cards are in joint names. 


4.      Refusal to pay towards shared living expenses. If one partner pays the bills while the other refuses to contribute, this can constitute unreasonable behaviour in the eyes of the law.


5.      Excessive gaming or social media use. This refers to situations where one partner is spending a considerable amount of time online or has a gaming addiction, to the detriment of the relationship. Inattentiveness and failure to spend quality time together can easily lead to a divorce petition, especially if the behaviour continues over a long period of time.


6.      Family disputes. Not everyone gets on with their in-laws, but if there are serious arguments and disagreements between your spouse and your family – this can be classed as unreasonable behaviour. You may feel forced to choose a side, which can make it difficult to socialise together or even a breakdown in multiple family relationships.


7.      Lack of affection or intimacy. Many couples experience problems with intimacy, physical contact and affection, and these issues can sometimes be resolved through measures such as relationship counselling. But when they can’t, or one partner refuses to seek help, it can lead to feelings of isolation and rejection for the other person.


8.      Lack of support. There are many ways you can make a case for lack of support in a divorce petition. For example, a lack of emotional support to help you through a difficult situation, help with household chores or sharing childcare duties.


9.      Not wanting to socialise together. Many couples have shared friends or hobbies, and do social and leisure activities together. But it can constitute unreasonable behaviour if one person never wants to socialise as a couple, leading to the couple spending a lot of time apart.

10.   Refusal to deal with marital, financial or other problems. If there is an obvious and persistent issue within the relationship (such as debt problems, drug addiction or intimacy problems) and one person refuses to talk about it or seek help, it can be demonstrated that the relationship has irretrievably broken down due to this behaviour.

If you need help with divorce, seek legal advice you can trust from Wirral divorce solicitor Tracey Miller Family Law. Get in touch today.